Although I completed training as a medical doctor in my native country, Croatia, it was always clear to me that my true passion lies somewhere else. Waiting for the right moment.

I thoroughly enjoy the whole creative process - from an idea to execution. It enriches my life.  

Unpredictable things inspire me. Moments. A quick look. Smell. Memory. Poem. 

Bob Dylan said that behind every beautiful thing, there’s some kind of pain. I am in search of that kind of beauty, the beauty that makes you wanna weep. Beauty that destroys - but also, paradoxically, heals. Odd and imperfectly perfect. And to get there, I will use just about any material and any technique - known and unknown to the art world - to achieve the certain vision that I desire. Hence, besides oil, acrylic, pastel, charcoal, spray paint, resin, metal leaf, random use of found objects, crafts, hardware products...Sand and rocks…Attacks of paint pours and squirts on canvas, mixing unmixable, thinking unthinkable. 

And then, my love for mistakes and accidents. Anything to get magic. To catch that fleeting moment of pure elation that tattoo itself to the soul. 

I consider myself at the beginning of my artistic journey with an interest in exploring different media, techniques, and styles. However, my main focus is abstract and experimenting with different types of new and nontraditional media. 

Pushing the limits, going into uncharted territory. Elation.

Selected from my resume:

Public Art Commission        

     -Large scale mural “Joy” in Marshfield City Hall, 2015


     -group “Responses to the Grid” New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, WI, November 2014

     -solo “Craving Beauty” LuCille Tack Center for the Arts, Spencer, WI, March 2016.

     -group “Culture and Agriculture” New Visions Gallery, Marshfield, WI, August 2016.

     -group “Winter Garden” Riverfront Arts Center, Stevens Point, WI, January 2017

     -solo  “Captured Moments” Chestnut Center for the Arts, Marshfield, WI, August 2017

     -solo at ENDI art gallery, Duluth, MN, November 2019

-group “2021 Annual Member Show” at the Duluth Art Institute, Duluth, MN, August-September 2021

Art Fairs

      Marshfield Art Fair 2016