why i hate blogging

I don’t read blogs. Who cares.

But I’ve been told numerous times how beneficial they are for the website SEO rankings and my miserable website reach made me do it.

I have no desire or idea what to write about and honestly, spare yourself a trouble and don’t bother.

Unless your sensibility truly resonates with my art. Then, occasionally swing over and see what’s happening here and there - in my art studio and around it. I can’t promise you will like my writing, I know I will not and will likely struggle with it. But, I will give it an honest try in trying to explain where I come from.

My lovely art studio was mostly abandoned throughout January, but hopefully February will bring it back to life. I plan to start going there daily again as soon as possible. A few paintings waiting there to be signed, varnished and uploaded, and many new ideas popping to my mind.

As someone said, ‘In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer’ seems a quite appropriate quote for this very moment.

To the new beginnings.


let’s talk about love