let’s talk about love

Amor, private collection

Amor, private collection

Here we are, in the midst of the frigid temperatures, celebrating love. Amor, ljubav, Liebe, agapi, amore, ai, dragoste, amour..Because that is what we humans do, we fail and suffer, but then we dream and we hope. And then we do. We put ideas in motion and abstraction to action. We promise to cherish and we take care. When touched by the better angels of our nature - we create beauty and harmony. Despite everything.

This past week had me open my art studio to the public for the first time after a long time. This coming week I’m looking forward to establish once again more regular pattern of opening. My huge gold and black abstract tryptic is waiting to be varnished, as do a few other pieces. A bald, nude woman, splashed with red squirts of paint is also currently on my easel and she makes me very happy. Come over to see what else is happening in my studio; times will be advertised on my social media posts.


mirrors of the soul


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