mirrors of the soul

Sinking In Blue, private collection

Sinking In Blue, private collection

I love creating big triptychs.

Large in size, enough to let you lose in their vastness. The magic of number three: playful repetitiveness.

Stars of the rooms, yet perfectly fitting into interiors, with no competitiveness.

But even more, I love the process they require: a very long time they demand and attention to detail. While I keep my eyes wide open in search for next perfect stroke, I discover much more. In that protracted silence, they offer meditation. Mirrors of the soul.

There is one in my studio waiting for me to have a final look. Soon I will find a time to do just that and it will be signed and varnished. It will take a place on the wall and start a life of its own.

I am happy for it.


purple state of mind


let’s talk about love